Thursday, June 4, 2015

Growing clamour to check police abuse

Amnesty International Malaysia said cases of torture perpetrated by the police are not fully investigated, and that the police had proven incapable of investigating themselves.

Last month the Human Rights Commission said police statistics from 2000 to February 2014 showed that 242 detainees had died in police custody; most of the deaths were attributed to illnesses or cardiac arrests.

Source: FMT | May 31, 2015

10-year jail time for petty crime

 Circumstance of death
Shashikumar a/ l Selvam
22ndMay 2015
A youthful offender sentenced to 10 Years for stealing rice and sardine is now found dead hanging in the cell. The boy’s trousers were too short and the ceiling in his prison cell too high for a hanging to have taken place. He also said the boy’s body was covered in bruises and there was a toenail that looked like it had been forcibly removed.